Thursday, November 23, 2017

Don't be thankful for FCC's net neutrality order. It's The Daily Crunch.

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23 2017 By Darrell Etherington

Happy Thanksgiving! The FCC wants to ruin the internet! Also, South Australians are thankful Tesla finished something on time for once. All than and more in The Daily Crunch for November 23, 2017.

1. FCC's final draft on restoring internet freedom proposes the opposite

The FCC has released a full, final draft of its "Restoring Internet Freedom" order that would basically set the stage for ruining the internet in the U.S. It's been described as one of the most anti-consumer moves the office has every done.

Maybe people can fix it later, when some form of sanity returns to the FCC. Maybe.

2. Net Neutrality protests set for Verizon stores

Meanwhile, advocates of net neutrality can make their voices heard by participating in protests at Verizon stores on December 7 across the country. Verizon is technically TechCrunch's parent company, but please get out and tell these assholes that they're in the wrong and we won't stand for it.

3. Tesla built the world's largest battery

Tesla can sometimes stick to its own timeline: The company has completed the world's largest battery, an energy storage facility made up of its Tesla Powerpack units that is designed to capture power generated by wind turbines and hold it for use during peak hours.

4. FTC is looking into ramifications of Uber breach

Honestly, it'd be more surprising if the FTC wasn't looking into this extremely serious breach impacting 57 million consumers, which Uber also covered up with a $100,000 payout to the hackers responsible and a failure to disclose.

5. YouTube is clamping down on creepy kid videos

YouTube is a weird place, but it's also growing into the most popular form of mainstream media consumption. So that's coming with some growing pains, including shutting down the darker, more bizarre aspects of the platform.

6. Apple gives us some insight into its self-driving work

One big question around Apple's automotive technology work is what it can bring to the table, exactly; now, we know a bit more thanks to a published machine learning paper detailing some of the stuff it's doing around LiDAR and object detection.

7. Twitter tests private bookmarking feature

Right now I usually just DM myself these tweets and links, so building in a way for you to save tweets for later is a terrific idea and probably something a lot of people could use.

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